This blog is a part of my humble attempt to show and circulate pretty and affordable paintings of a few artists who are secluded practitioners who deliberately keep away from the so called 'contemporary' stream and its market oriented circulating systems.

The works shown in this blog are all meant to be appreciated by common people like you and me and not selected in such a way as they can be perceived only by a few subject experts.

Another intension is to publish writings and reviews on art with an aesthetical and art historical stand point, rather than market oriented.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Drawings from Daily Life

Title: From Daily Life
Artist: Subin Abraham
Medium:Pen on Paper
Size: 16 cm x 13 cm

Title: From Daily Life
Artist: Subin Abraham
Medium:Pen on Paper
Size: 28 cm x 21 cm

Title: From Daily Life
Artist: Subin Abraham
Medium: Pen on Handmade Paper
Size: 32 cm x 25 cm
Status: Sold

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Genial dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.